The day had come. The day for which I had waited six long weeks. The day on which the second publisher to which I sent my novel finally replied to my inquiry. (Sidebar: A few years ago, a different publisher read an earlier draft, and though it praised the novel’s “strong memorable characters and gorgeous turns of phrase,” it declined to publish my book. Don’t get me started on figuring that one out) Anyway, the day had come. The email had hit my Inbox. I took a deep breath, glanced at Horace for strength, and opened the document. (Let's just get to the good part, shall we?) The email said: “We regret to inform you that your book does not fit our needs at this time… We sincerely hope that you continue writing, and please feel free to query us with future projects.” But I read: “You suck. Your book sucks. And no one will ever have any use for you or this monstrosity you call a manuscript. Please cease and desist with this notion of publishing it because you are o...